Heavy duty full power hydraulic steering and fly-by-wire engine controls
Can-bus electrical system with console switching, offering remote control of battery switches, fuel valves, bilge pumping, domestic electrics and optional security settings.
Quadruple Optima marine battery system
Navigation lights mounted in tender’s topsides
Careful consideration is given to mechanical isolation and sound deadening to minimize noise and vibration transferred to the guests.
Sound proofed gas spring assisted opening engine access hatch
Exhaust silencing system
Air intake and outlet routed to minimise noise
Extra Equipment List
Manual stowaway boarding ladder in transom
Extra hull pad eyes for bridle towing
3 point lifting system
Fully concealed folding bow canopy housed in foredeck
Proportional control combined bow and stern and thruster system
Upgraded carbon fibre dual aft boarding poles and light staff pole
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